Initially you’ll be powering your most advanced buildings by burning carbon-based resources like Coal and Oil, but renewable energy sources also unlock as you progress to current-day technologies. These resources are now consumed in power plants to generate electricity for your cities. POWER AND CONSUMABLE RESOURCES: Strategic resources play an additional role.Your settlement choices are more important than ever as you balance high risks and high rewards. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: Volcanoes, storms (blizzards, sandstorms, tornados, hurricanes), climate change, floods, and droughts bring the world to life in a brand-new way.TIMELINE: Review your civilization’s history at any time with the new Timeline feature, a visual journey through the Historic Moments that you encountered on your path to victory.EMERGENCIES: When a civilization grows too powerful, other civilizations can join a pact against the threatening civilization, and earn rewards, or penalties, when the Emergency ends.ENHANCED ALLIANCES: An enhanced alliances system allows players to form different types of alliances and build bonuses over time.
GOVERNORS: Recruit, appoint, and upgrade powerful characters with unique specialization bonuses and promotion trees to customize your cities, and reinforce Loyalty.But one civilization’s loss can be your gain as you inspire Loyalty among cities throughout the map and further expand your borders. LOYALTY: Cities now have individual Loyalty to your leadership – let it fall too low, and face the consequences of low yields, revolts, and the potential to lose your city if it declares its own independence.Rise triumphantly from a Dark Age, and your next Golden Age will be even stronger – a Heroic Age. GREAT AGES: As your civilization ebbs and flows and you reach milestone Historic Moments, you will move towards Dark Ages or Golden Ages, each providing specific challenges or bonuses based on your actions in game.Each brings unique bonuses and gameplay, as well as unique units, districts, wonders, buildings, and more. NEW LEADERS AND CIVS: Combined together, sixteen new civilizations and eighteen new leaders are introduced.The Civilization VI Expansion Bundle contains all features from the Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm expansions, that includes: With 16 new civilizations, 18 new leaders, and major enhancements to gameplay such as Great Ages and an active planet where geology and climatology present unique new challenges, the pursuit of building the greatest empire becomes as exciting as it has ever been in the Civilization franchise. Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Expansion Bundle, which combines both Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm expansions, takes the turn-based strategy classic to new heights. Separate purchase of the base game, Sid Meier's Civilization VI, is required to play this content.