This is not really osnews-typical stuff, but I think that there are some people here who can benefit greatly from this article, just as I did.

So I decided to write an article about text formatting. Now that I am done with my diploma, I feel that all this knowledge should not go to waste. I have worked with text processors since 1995 now and even though I have never been interested in the features of Microsoft Word and Writer, I thought that I, at least, knew something about them. A few days and emails later, my diploma was a lot easier to work with. I emailed back, asking some innocent questions and basically got overwhelmed by his long and detailed responses. O.K., it probably wasn’t THAT difficult because I just used no automatic formatting at all, still I just couldn’t believe that he could tell all that with nothing more than a simple screenshot. He specified various mistakes and, to my amazement, he was right on every single issue he mentioned. I am a moron, I admit it… So, the funny thing was, when that article went live, I got an email from a crazy german who told me that I was not formatting my diploma correctly. So, just because I wanted to show off a little, I loaded my diploma thesis, which was then already 130 pages long and took the screenie. I merely wanted to show that in Fedora Core 2 features native icons, nothing more. When I wrote my first article for OSNews, one of the screenshots I included showed my diploma thesis. Before I start, let me tell you the little story, how I got the idea for writing this article.